Saturday, January 19, 2008

Can't a Man Poop In Peace??

4:33 PM me: fuckin dave
i was all comfy taking a dump
and he said he needed to talk to me downstairs
John: yeah fuck dave
me: fucker wanted to bum a smoke
i rushed for nothing
John: That is why I have renamed him Burt
me: *sighs*
4:34 PM there
John: there you go
He is Burt
You finish your crap?
me: yea
4:35 PM but i wanted to take my time
4:39 PM John: lol
Liza has started to ambush my shit
4:40 PM and its pissing me off
me: huh?
whatchya mean?
John: I will sit down for a nice long one. Got my gameboy or magazine ready. I will just be about to start and she will come to the door and start talking
4:41 PM Or worse she will open the door and then I am done
I have a shy butt
And she knows this
me: lock the door
4:43 PM John: doesn't matter
she will bang on the door
me: stay quiet
John: I think I will start hitting her
me: lol
tell her to gtfa

6 minutes
4:49 PM John: lol
she does it when I am "mean" to her
4:50 PM me: oh god
John: I think I will just take her to an orphanage and tell them she is 12 and I can't take it anymore
me: i'd stand up and shit on the floor and be like "clean that up and leave me alone next time!"
John: lol
I always wanted to shit on someones floor
4:53 PM me: like on alpha dog?
John: no cooler
4:56 PM like
swing from a chandelier(sp) and shit on some rich chicks marble floor

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